Over the past several months we have been featuring stories from mothers in different stages of life and with different motherhood stories. This is the final post in the Series: we all committed to blogging about our day – Today. At the end check out links to “a day in the life” of the other mommy bloggers, too!
Monday, December 17th 2012
12:01am – I decide to go back to the kitchen and get the cough syrup because I can’t stop coughing.
1:15am – BulldozerBaby is fussing. I think he must have wet his diaper. He is saying something over and over but I don’t understand him. The cough syrup obviously is working because I fall back asleep despite my concern.
1:45am – I kick nudge RockstarDad and grunt, indicating that he should go change BulldozerBaby’s diaper. Ever since I stopped nursing BB in July he won’t let me do bedtime or night-changings; he still wants to nurse and will wail bloody murder if I put him to bed. Ergo RockstarDad gets all middle-o-the-night baby activities. I am very grateful and yet (slightly, secretly, ashamedly) happy that he gets to do it since I had to for the first 14 months when I got up every three hours to nurse…
3am – I think RockstarDad had to get up again. I’m not sure. I think there is codeine in the cough syrup.
5am – BB is wailing again. RD gets up and changes him again. I think he turns off his alarm. He snuggles me. Because he is awesome.
5:30am – I decide I better get up and take my shower before RD leaves. Otherwise I might not get one. (Experience is a cruel teacher.) I remember to practice gratitude in the shower, praying for everyone and thing I am grateful for. My mood improves considerably. I start to do some yoga and get into it about five minutes when BB wakes up screaming. I get him out of the crib and take him to the kitchen with me.
6:00am – I heat up some leftover dairy-free quiche (frozen in individual serving sizes) for breakfast. I still have no appetite so I save the rest for RocketGirl. RockstarDad decides he would rather have a biscuit, but BulldozerBaby devours his quiche. BB takes his plate to the kitchen all by himself for the first time. He is adorable. Both the kids have chores: set and clear the table as soon as they are old enough to walk, help empty the dishwasher, clean up toys, etc. and RocketGirl makes her own bed.
7:00am- RG rolls out of bed. She has breakfast at the table and sees the drawings her daddy left for her. (RD is a pretty good artist.) RG’s in a great mood and I am so very grateful. It’s been weeks since the kids have been healthy and happy. They watch Sesame Street (without whining, hurting one another or bothering me – W00t!) while I work on the computer – checking emails, typing this, etc.
8:00am – I dress the kids and head out the door. RG has preschool today. I am grateful for her wonderful teachers. She is so excited to be back after a week out sick. Continue reading →