Tag Archives: stay-at-home mom

{Motherhood Series} Finale: A Day in the Life of a SAHM

Over the past several months we have been featuring stories from mothers in different stages of life and with different motherhood stories. This is the final post in the Series: we all committed to blogging about our day – Today.  At the end check out links to “a day in the life” of the other mommy bloggers, too!

Monday, December 17th 2012

12:01am – I decide to go back to the kitchen and get the cough syrup because I can’t stop coughing.

1:15am – BulldozerBaby is fussing.  I think he must have wet his diaper.  He is saying something over and over but I don’t understand him.  The cough syrup obviously is working because I fall back asleep despite my concern.

1:45am – I kick nudge RockstarDad and grunt, indicating that he should go change BulldozerBaby’s diaper.  Ever since I stopped nursing BB in July he won’t let me do bedtime or night-changings; he still wants to nurse and will wail bloody murder if I put him to bed.  Ergo RockstarDad gets all middle-o-the-night baby activities.  I am very grateful and yet (slightly, secretly, ashamedly) happy that he gets to do it since I had to for the first 14 months when I got up every three hours to nurse…

3am – I think RockstarDad had to get up again.  I’m not sure.  I think there is codeine in the cough syrup.

5am – BB is wailing again.  RD gets up and changes him again.  I think he turns off his alarm.  He snuggles me.  Because he is awesome.

5:30am – I decide I better get up and take my shower before RD leaves.  Otherwise I might not get one.  (Experience is a cruel teacher.)  I remember to practice gratitude in the shower, praying for everyone and thing I am grateful for.  My mood improves considerably.  I start to do some yoga and get into it about five minutes when BB wakes up screaming.  I get him out of the crib and take him to the kitchen with me.

6:00am – I heat up some leftover dairy-free quiche (frozen in individual serving sizes) for breakfast.  I still have no appetite so I save the rest for RocketGirl.  RockstarDad decides he would rather have a biscuit, but BulldozerBaby devours his quiche.  BB takes his plate to the kitchen all by himself for the first time.  He is adorable.   Both the kids have chores: set and clear the table as soon as they are old enough to walk, help empty the dishwasher, clean up toys, etc. and RocketGirl makes her own bed. 

7:00am- RG rolls out of bed.  She has breakfast at the table and sees the drawings her daddy left for her.  (RD is a pretty good artist.)  RG’s in a great mood and I am so very grateful.  It’s been weeks since the kids have been healthy and happy.  They watch Sesame Street (without whining, hurting one another or bothering me – W00t!) while I work on the computer – checking emails, typing this, etc.

8:00am – I dress the kids and head out the door.  RG has preschool today.  I am grateful for her wonderful teachers.  She is so excited to be back after a week out sick. Continue reading

My Decision to Leave an Awesome Career

What makes a woman earning six figures a year walk away from her career to become a stay at home mom?

A dream.
Maybe a touch of insanity…

I had no great respect for stay-at-home moms when I was a single, unmarried, childless corporate neophyte.  In fact (I am now ashamed to admit) I thought that “those women” spent all their “free” time getting their nails and hair done.

(HA!  I so wish you could see me right now Continue reading

{Motherhood Series} Working Outside the Home before becoming a Stay-at-Home Mom

Welcome back to the “Motherhood” series!  Over the next month, eight bloggers are sharing with you their views of what motherhood looks like to them.  This post was written by Erin Odom from The Humbled Homemaker.  If you missed the last post in the series, please check back HERE.  Make sure to subscribe to these blogs so you don’t miss all the great content!

By Erin Odom of The Humbled Homemaker

There was never a doubt in my mind that I would be a stay-at-home mom. Oh, I prepared for a career, but once my babies arrived, I knew I wanted to be with them 24/7.

But our hopes and our dreams are not always reality. And when my first baby arrived in June 2008, staying at home was not a choice. My husband was in seminary at the time, and I was supporting our family.

I’ll never forget leaving my 6-week-old newborn in her swing the first morning I left for work. My friend Lexie had come over to watch her. And saying goodbye to my sweet little babe tore at my heart.

Hop on over to The Humbled Homemaker to read the rest of this post! Continue reading

{Motherhood Series} I’m a Stay at Home Mom without a Soul to Call “Friend”

Welcome back to the “Motherhood” series!  Over the next month, eight bloggers are sharing with you their views of what motherhood looks like to them.  This post was written by LeighAnn Dutton from Intentional By Grace.  If you missed the last post in the series, please check back HERE.  Make sure to subscribe to these blogs so you don’t miss all the great content!

Guest post by LeighAnn Dutton of Intentional By Grace

On July 11, 2012 I (LeighAnn) wrote the following in my journal (four months after arriving in my new home): Continue reading

Perfecting my “Go” Bags for Last Minute Travel

This month we have had to leave our home unexpectedly no less than THREE times.  Once to evacuate my babies from a massive power outage that lasted two weeks, once for a family emergency and then again for a funeral.

The shortest notice I had to pack the family was twenty minutes.  I managed to do it -with time to spare – due to (a) the Survival Mom’s blog (b) my experience with the first evacuation and (c) our “go” bags always being fully stocked and properly stored.

Needless to say, after scrambling to pack up the family for TWO WEEKS away from home, I’ve become much more organized.  In addition to keeping our cars with at least a half tank of fuel at all times and prominently posting my laminated personalized mini travel checklists by the door, I now keep all our bags packed and ready to go – even after just returning home.

I use a similar technique to THIS SurvivalMom guest blogger in that I have systematized our family’s whole lives into little “Go” bags.  I have found that the best way to be prepared is to make it part of our everyday lifestyle.

Check out the rest of my post at the Survival Mom’s blog!

In Defense of … Self-Defense: A Series on Safety for Moms

Swansea University Karate Club (6)
I know this isn’t a topic that we moms like to talk about.  I don’t want to talk about it really either.  However – after some serious prayer (really, Lord?  this topic?) – I think it’s something we should talk about.

First and foremost: It isn’t wrong to take care of ourselves.  Or our children.  It is necessary.  And it’s our job!

I want my children to grow up trusting that most people are good.  I want them to be cheerful, joyful, inquisitive and friendly children.   I want my kids to have the confidence to ask the librarian where to find a book and order their own meal.   I don’t want us to live scared, secluded lives.

Unfortunately, though, there are bad people out there.

We can’t be with our children every second of every day.  One day they will leave the nest, either at school or a playdate, and we need them to be aware, informed and confident about their boundaries, how they interact with strangers and how they behave in public and online. 

And that goes for us moms, too.  Many of us are at home alone with little ones for most of the day.  When we are out and about we are distracted by fussing babies, curious toddlers and wily preschoolers.  And distracted mommies are a target for predators.

Note that I say “target” and not “victim.”  My intent is not to be alarmist.  What I want to promote is awareness, education and confidence.

So, I am starting this multi-part series on Defense.

This series includes the following topics:

  • Stranger Danger

  • Personal Boundaries

  • Online Safety

  • Fire Safety

  • Police Officer Interview

  • Home Security Basics – Locks

Thanks for visiting Cube2Farm!  Please take a moment to “” us on FaceBook and subscribe to Cube2Farm via  so you don’t miss any great content!

Things to consider before becoming a stay-at-home mom

I did a lot of research before deciding to leave my career as a technology professional.  Unfortunately, though, none of my research gave me the full picture of what I would be facing.  I knew that we would have to adjust to living on a smaller income and I knew that I would have a learning curve, but I had no idea how much I would really have to learn…

Things to consider before leaving your career to stay-at-home full-time with kids:

1.  Understand what being a stay-at-home mom entails.  If you aren’t already intimately familiar with what the typical day in the life of a stay-at-home mom looks like, check out this post.  When I left my career I really thought I would have a TON of free time to do all those projects I always wanted to do – like organizing the cupboards and scrapbooking.  Let me be the first to tell you: stay-at-home moms do not have a bunch of free time for hobbies.  (My children’s 1st year memory books are still sitting empty in boxes from the last move.) Continue reading